Dental IPR Interproximal Reduction Assorted Kit Removing Cements Finishing Strips
IPR kit contains 12 pieces plus autoclavable handle.
Perfect Set Great Price!
Kit includes: 12pcs + Handle
Extra fine: right side, left side and double sided.
Fine: right side, left side and double sided.
Medium: right side, left side and double sided.
Coarse: right side, left side and double sided.
Used in interproximal and contact reduction, mesial/distal finishing and contouring, crown and bridge cement removal and clean up.
Its saw has no abrasive, but all other strips have diamond abrasives.
Abrasive and Serrated Finishing Strips are designed to make crown and bridge clean-up quick, safe and simple after cementation of crowns, veneers, bridges, inlays or onlays
Size: 4 Grit, 3 of Each
Brand: Microdont
Package: 12pcs+Handle / Pk