2-Stage curing unit with a digital control panel on which sequences of polymerizing times and temperatures can be programmed as required by user.
The time of each step can be set between 0 and 999 minutes. The end temperatures at each plateau can be regulated by the user between 32oF and 210oF (0oC and 99oC).
To enable the user to see the actual program status at all times, the curing unit has a synoptic display.
Programming. It is extremely easy to program a heating sequence for the water in the tank.
Low maintenance and easy cleaning.
The 2010DCU Denture Curing Unit has a circuit breaker (fuse in power inlet) that protects the machine against electric overloads.
Unit Dimension: 13.8” H x 16.5” W x 14.9” D (350mm x 420mm x 380mm)
Tank Dimension: 11” H x 10” W x 10” D (280mm x 255mm x 255mm)
Weight: 45 lbs [17kg]
Power Supply: 115V, 50/60Hz, 13A
Consumption: 1500 W
Available in 230V/50/60Hz, 6 Amp – Model 2010DCU-E